Tournaments Past 2015

The 2015 tournament was held on March 23, with the workshop on May 24.  2015’s guest instructor was Axel Pettersson, who won most of Longpoint 2014. This workshop was sold out!

2014’s tournament (March 1, 2014) . Workshop, held on March 2, 2014, had three instructors: Steaphen Fick, Mark Winkelman, and Johanus Haidner teaching longsword, Messer, and Silver’s True Time.

Our 2013 tournament was held on March 2, 2013, and was a great time for all involved! We had five different schools participating in 3 events (shortsword, longsword, and dagger).

In prior years we have had events in unarmed combat, staff, single sword, and rapier. With enough volunteers and participant interest, we may will more events in future.

We hope to see you out there as it is a great place to showcase your school and enjoy some fellowship.

Posted in Nordschlag, Nordschlag Winners.