Nordschlag 2016 Date Set

Our annual tournament and workshop for 2016 has had its date set!

Nordschlag 2016 will be on May 28 and 29, 2016. This is an exciting year for us, as it’s the tenth year that we’ve done this in a row! For this year we are having Mr. Ties Kool teaching at our workshop. This will be a long seminar, like last year’s, with some of the highest quality instruction available in the world. Mr. Kool is from Haarlem, Nederlands, and is one of the world’s foremost HEMA competitors.

Registration is now open for the tournament and workshop here.

For more information, visit the tournament info page.

Matthys (Ties) Kool

Matthys (Ties) Kool has been practicing HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) since 2003, originally training under Mishael Lopes Cardozo and Kenneth Smolders at AMEK, the largest Western Martial Arts group in the Netherlands. Since 2006 he has been the club’s main co-instructor for workshops and demonstrations, having started teaching there in 2005. Since 2007 Ties has been responsible for running AMEK classes in Amsterdam, and in 2008 he took charge of the AMEK youth classes.

Ties has conducted workshops at international events since 2011, having previously assisted at such events since 2010. In addition to teaching, Ties regularly organizes major European competitions, including the International Lowlands HEMA Gathering in the Netherlands. This has helped him develop the technical skills required for the successful delivery of workshops.

Ties also fights in several tournaments a year, participating in both longsword and single-handed weapons, such as sabre and sidesword. He is the head coach for the AMEK Fight Team.

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